Gareth has extensive experience in applied anthropology across the Northern Territory as a field and documentary researcher reporting on Aboriginal land tenure systems, land interests, native title rights and interests, cultural landscapes and sacred geography.
Services that Gareth currently provides to clients include expert anthropological reports and expert evidence for land claims, land interest research and reporting, Native Title research and expert connection reports, engagement with traditional owners and/or native title holders for exploration, mining and other development proposals, along with sacred site clearances or Authority Certificates, sacred site/cultural landscape mapping and surveys, and other expert anthropological reports.
Gareth has worked on all aspects of engagement between Aboriginal people and the mining industry undertaking consultations, agreement negotiations and work program/sacred site clearances for mineral exploration, for proposed, existing or expanding mines, and for the closure and/or rehabilitation of post-production, abandoned and legacy mines. He undertook extensive work and provided expert evidence on a landmark sacred site desecration court case regarding the Bootu Creek manganese mine near Tennant Creek.
Gareth has also work at the interface between Aboriginal people and governments at all levels and across a variety off fields ranging from the Commonwealth jointly-managed Kakadu National Park to Northern Territory Parks and Wildlife other NT service delivery departments as well as local /shire government agencies and Aboriginal organisations.